As part of an exciting new direction in theatre education, TACT is introducing Stage School Saturdays, a programme designed to broaden the scope of performing arts training. Moving beyond the traditional focus on musical theatre productions, these classes and workshops will cover a wide spectrum of stage performance arts. In addition, TACT will host a series of exclusive workshops throughout the year, featuring TACT alumni currently performing in the West End, as well as in national and international tours.

Commenting on this new initiative, Ben Pierce, Director of Training at TACT, said: "We are renowned for our high-quality productions and the exceptional training opportunities they have provided to TACT students over the years. However, we recognise that this is just one element of our approach, and we are eager to explore new and exciting opportunities to further enhance our students’ experience. "Our productions will continue to be a cornerstone of our programme.

Students at the Stage School will have the chance to participate in performances and concerts throughout the year, including appearances at local festivals and events. We are also in the early stages of planning our next major production for the summer of 2024, though the details remain top secret for now!" Pierce added, "What we can guarantee is a dynamic and varied programme of classes and workshops led by our team of expert industry professionals and guest tutors. These sessions will cover a range of perfor.