‘My art is my way of showing people how the Department of Health nearly destroyed me’ BEEN TO HELL AND BACK: George H Smyth An artist tragically widowed after his wife was misdiagnosed by disgraced doctor Michael Watt says this is the artwork that saved his life. George H Smyth was plunged into an alcoholic abyss after his beautiful wife Rachel died at the age of just 46. She was one of many patients who was ‘looked after’ by former neurologist Dr Michael Watt whose failures sparked the biggest NHS recall in Northern Ireland and who is now the subject of a major police investigation.

Rachel died in 2018 after Dr Watt treated her for lupus when in fact she had multiple sclerosis. The Ardglass renowned artist, who has showcased his work in cities like New York and LA says his life spiralled out of control and he almost killed himself with alcohol as he fought to deal with the unnecessary loss of his “best friend”. Now George has released a collection of his most striking pieces which depicts the nightmare he has gone through since losing Rachel so prematurely, six years ago.

CATHARTIC: George’s sketches Simply entitled “In Hell” the drawings, using pen and ink, will show the public what patients and relatives of patients who died while being treated by Dr Watt have been going through. Though George penned around 30 he has put around half that on his website. The pieces of art are striking and depict death and the medical profession as well as the anguish and t.