Open weekdays from 2nd to 30th September at Kingshill House, Dursley, Gloucestershire, England, UK. Launch Event on Saturday 7th September from 13:00 to 17:00, free entry. 2nd-30th September 2024, with the launch on 7th September: Currently, women are 1.

5 times less likely to receive defibrillation than men and 1.5 times more likely to die. The survival rate for out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest stands at a mere 10%.

We are on a mission to change that. The Sudden Cardiac Art Exhibition is set to launch, marking a revolutionary step towards ending the stark gender disparity in cardiac arrest survival rates. Artists from around the world have come together, using their creative mediums to combat the preventable deaths of women caused by societal constraints that discourage crucial life-saving actions.

The organisers of the exhibition are spreading the vital message: “Flash The Boobs to Save A Life.” A special Launch Event is scheduled for 7th September 2024, from 1pm to 5pm, at Kingshill House, with free entry for the public. Visitors will have the chance to engage with the artists and learn about the inspiration behind their work.

Additionally, advocates will provide defibrillator and CPR demonstrations. A special training session, accessible to all ages, will include music videos and dance. One of the event’s highlights is a unique panel discussion featuring sudden cardiac arrest survivors, emergency and healthcare professionals, and advocacy group representatives.
