Bollywood actor Arshad Warsi, whose recent statement about Prabhas led to him receiving flak, is back at making headlines once again for an old statement he made about dubbed South Indian films for the Hindi-speaking audience. Arshad was asked about how the industry has widened its scope in terms of making business with an example of the Yash-starrer ‘KGF’ franchise. ADVERTISEMENT All my servants watch Hindi dubbed south movies.

You don't need much brain to watch them. - Arshad Warsi u/raaz9658 BollyBlindsNGossip said, “All the staff at my house watch dubbed South Indian films. It is highly entertaining.

Rajinikanth is such a big star, there must be a reason for it. In that (cinema), you don’t have to think too much, wrack your brains. Cars are blasting, people are flying, and cigarettes smoke in style, it is all time pass.

Eat popcorn, watch the film, and go home.” This didn’t sit well with a section of netizens who trolled the actor once again. One user on Reddit wrote, “He should have said it to Rohit Shetty as well bro thinks Golmaal is Oscar-worthy.

” “I sympathized with Arshad Warsi in Prabhas issue but it seems he deliberately insults Southern Industry! He talks as if Bollywood delivers Inception, Tenet level of movies! Maybe he is raze-baiting for his 15 minutes of glory! What a fall,” added another. One user commented, “So he's saying his 'servants' are all stupid. Why, because they're poor? Does this man have a doctorate? He literally played a g.