Singer Armaan Malik recently tied the knot to his longtime girlfriend, fashion influencer Aashna Shroff, in an intimate ceremony. The couple delighted fans by sharing official photos from their dreamy wedding on social media, taking everyone by surprise. Armaan's brother, singer Amaal Malik, shared an emotional post for the newlyweds and revealed that the duo faced 'family drama' from both families before their wedding.

Amaal shared photos with Armaan and Aashna from their wedding and wrote, "Where there is love, there are battles—but you two? You’ve always fought on the same team. Life tested you in so many ways—in health, in work, with family drama on both sides (yes, I take some credit here)—but not once did you let those trials eclipse your love. Not once did you let a fight grow bigger than your commitment to each other!" Check out the post: A post shared by Amaal Mallik (@amaal_mallik) He wrote, "Moments like these leave me speechless, even though I’m rarely at a loss for words.

Watching my baby @armaanmalik and now, officially, my sister and new partner-in-crime @aashnashroff celebrate the most beautiful day of their lives fills my heart with overwhelming joy. Surrounded by extremely close friends & family, this day felt like a dream wrapped in love and blessings." "Seven years ago, the two of you made a promise—to love, respect, and honor each other’s dreams and aspirations.

That promise wasn’t just words; it became the foundation of a bond so pure, so.