by Caitlin Sievers for Arizona Mirror Voters in November will be able to decide whether to amend the Arizona Constitution to guarantee the right to abortion, state election officials said Monday. The Arizona Abortion Access Act collected around 578,000 valid signatures, significantly more than the nearly 384,000 it needed to qualify for the ballot. “This is a huge win for Arizona voters, who will now get to vote YES on restoring and protecting the right to access abortion care, free from political interference, once and for all,” Cheryl Bruce, campaign manager for the initiative, said in a written statement.

The Abortion Access Act, which will be Proposition 139 on the ballot, would guarantee a woman’s right to an abortion up to the point of fetal viability, around 24 weeks of pregnancy. Exceptions to that limit would be allowed if a health care provider determined it was necessary to preserve a patient’s life, physical or mental health. The constitutional amendment would also forbid the state from adopting or enforcing any policy that restricts access to abortion unless its intent is to safeguard the patient’s life or health — potentially upending decades of anti-abortion laws passed to encumber and deter women from seeking abortions.

Currently, Arizona has ban after 15 weeks of gestation, with no exceptions for rape or incest. Health care providers who perform an abortion beyond that gestational deadline for any reason except to prevent a patient’s death or th.