Arianne Zucker , the Emmy-nominated actress known for playing Nicole Walker on Days of Our Lives and being the subject of Donald Trump’s vulgar comments on the infamous Access Hollywood tape, has overcome a major challenge to her harassment, discrimination, and retaliation lawsuit filed against producers of the popular NBC soap opera last February . In a decision issued Thursday, a Los Angeles County judge ruled that Zucker can move ahead with the disputed portion of her complaint that’s seeking a formal order barring former DOOL executive producer Albert Alarr from harassing behavior in any future workplace. In her lawsuit, Zucker sued Alarr for sexual harassment, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and for the judicial order under a section of California’s business code.

Alarr had asked the court to strike the alleged business code violation, claiming it didn’t apply to him. “There have to be allegations he is engaged in continuing behavior,” Alarr’s lawyer Robert Barta argued at a hearing in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday. “He’s not even employed.

There’s no allegation that he’s employed anywhere in this industry, as a result of what has transpired. It’s a matter of law. There are simply no facts alleged to support a claim for injunctive relief.

” The court disagreed. “Plaintiff has alleged a long-standing course of conduct by Mr. Alarr.

An inference arises from the facts alleged that the behavior would be likely to recur,” Judge Kr.