Prepare to be shocked by these revelations about food that will challenge your opinion around its classification. Could tomatoes belong in the fruit aisle, and should cereals be shelved next to canned soups? Find out where you stand in these heated debates about food classification. Do milk alternatives count as dairy? Non-dairy alternatives like almond milk or soy milk have been gaining popularity in recent years due to dietary preferences and the desire to avoid animal-based products.

The debate is whether these alternatives should still be classified as dairy products - they have milk in their name but differ nutritionally from traditional cow's milk. While some guidelines include fortified plant-based beverages in the dairy group, the controversy remains on whether this classification is accurate and if non-dairy alternatives should be allowed to have milk in their names. Is a breakfast sandwich still considered a breakfast sandwich if eaten for dinner? The typical breakfast sandwich consists of cheese, eggs and meat between two slices of bread.

The question here is: Does it stop being a breakfast sandwich if it's eaten for dinner? Some argue that combining specific breakfast-associated ingredients as a filling makes it a breakfast food with its distinct category. Others believe it's just a sandwich if eaten later in the day. The timing of consumption remains a point of contention for breakfast sandwiches.

Are tomatoes a fruit or a vegetable? Tomatoes have long been exper.