Do you own a pair of "standing jeans?" You know — the kind of jeans that are so stiff and tight, you only wear them when you're certain you'll be standing the entire night? It may sound like a niche experience, but based on the millions of TikTok views , it's clear that we're not alone in our #StandingJeans , no matter how uncomfortable they are. Still, as relatable as this trend might be, it turns out that standing jeans might be causing more harm than we realize. The term "standing jeans" is really just a way to describe a relatively timeless trend (aka tight or rigid denim).

That being said, tight pants can be notoriously bad for your health. "Skinny Pant Syndrome," for instance, is a real medical condition (called meralgia paresthetica) that causes numbness as the result of nerve damage in the thigh. So, while a flattering pair of standing jeans may look great on, do the risks outweigh the benefits? To find out more, we spoke with gut specialist Erin Hendriks, MD, about how standing jeans can actually impact your stomach.

Read on to get the full scoop. Erin Hendriks , MD, is a board-certified family physician at Salvo Health, with a focus on chronic gut conditions and gut health. What Are Standing Jeans? "Standing jeans" is a trending term used to describe pants that look and feel great .

. . so long as you don't sit down.

It's the pair of jeans that leaves imprints on your skin by the end of the night. By contrast, sitting jeans leave a little more wiggle room — lite.