We can't talk about without mentioning caviar. Restaurants seem to be serving it more than ever, while viral trends featuring the delicacy have been making the rounds online. In 2023, one trend, which can be credited to TikToker Danielle Zaslavsky, the self-proclaimed "caviar queen," saw the influencer .

The Takeout loves a good high-low pairing experiment. Just see this for caviar nachos, caviar on avocado toast, and caviar mixed with boxed mac and cheese. We've even endorsed .

But this viral trend was a bridge too far. The typical goal of culinary pairings is to find two foods that interact well with each other. For example, the Doritos and white wine team-up works because the spicy saltiness of the chips complements the sweet, tangy flavor profile of the wine.

But when you combine Doritos with caviar, you're just adding salt to salt. Additionally, caviar usually has a mild flavor, informed by the type of fish — yes, let's remember, caviar is fish eggs, known as roe — from which the caviar was sourced. Bold flavors like those from Doritos will only serve to overwhelm the caviar, meaning you'll end up eating the expensive delicacy without really tasting it.

The traditional way to eat caviar Chefs have perhaps already perfected the best methods for eating caviar. It's recommended that one's first bite be unadorned, so that you get an idea of the texture and the saltiness of the roe. After that, a typical tasting presentation will include a dollop of crème fraiche and sm.