You've probably heard people say, "A calorie is a calorie," but is that really true? The whole "Are all calories equal" debate has been buzzing around for a while now, and it turns out that not all calories hit our bodies the same way. Sure, a calorie is just a unit of energy, whether it's in your food or used up by your body. But here's the kicker: the source of those calories matters.

Almost everything we eat gives us calories (except for water), but not all calories are created equal. When we talk about calories , we're also talking about the nutrients that come with them. Carbs and proteins give you 4 calories per gram, while fats pack a punch with 9 calories per gram.

So, what you eat matters. For instance, take 100 calories from an apple versus 100 calories from a candy bar. Both are giving you energy, but they have completely different effects on your body.

Why Counting Calories Alone Won't Lead To A Healthier You - Nutritional Quality Matters Not all calories are packed with the same nutrients. Foods that are high in nutrients - think fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats - give you the good stuff like vitamins, minerals, and fibre, along with the energy. On the flip side, sugary snacks and processed junk might give you calories, but they're low on the nutrients your body needs.

Also Read: Dietitian Shares A Quick And Healthy Weight Loss Lunch Recipe To Try At Home Hunger And Satiety: The Fullness Factor Ever notice how some foods fill you up .