, starring Nicolas Cage in the lead role, is set in a traumatizing dystopian future, fifteen years after humanity has been virtually destroyed. Cage plays the role of a man named Paul. Paul, along with Thomas and Joseph, his adopted twin sons, struggles to survive in a dangerous world where nocturnal monsters devour anything that moves.

The terror and suspense is evident just a few minutes into . The movie starts off on a scary and engaging note, grabbing the audience with its pure intensity and world building. Given that isn’t a big budget movie, director Benjamin Brewer does a fine job that walks the line between being a sci-fi horror and a tender coming-of-age drama.

Cage’s performance is above the mark, and the writing is engrossing, for the most part. The choice of filming in Ireland works in its favor as the atmosphere created by Frank Mobilio, the cinematographer, sucks you into a seemingly peaceful beauty of the calm rural setting. Meanwhile, this is contrasted near perfectly by the horrible danger that lurks in every hill and vale.

In the narrative of ’s story, human beings are believed to be extinct. Despite this, Paul is optimistic about other people being out there somewhere. He’s confident that others would one day come forward and save them from the nightmare that the world has become.

But, unsurprisingly, no one comes to save them, prompting the twin brothers to keep themselves and their father safe. But it’s a lot tougher than it appears. is the most.