Published 8:45 pm Friday, September 20, 2024 By Submitted Every Little Thing by April Jeppson I got disheartening news this week. The worst part of it was that it seemed to have come out of the blue. So here I sit, listening to this individual, and it was as if everything around me was in slow motion.

I know that all problems are figure-out-able, but at that moment, the whole world seemed as though it was crashing down around me. April Jeppson I’ve learned that I need to give myself time to determine the size of the problem at hand. I’ve witnessed people overreact time and time again, and often their overzealous response actually makes things worse.

So even though I knew this was going to be a time and energy-consuming situation I’d be navigating, I gave myself a moment. I quietly bore the weight of this new information and carried on with my day. As I was walking through the building, a colleague said something to me that lightened my load.

They had no knowledge of what was weighing on me, and their comment was actually directed toward a different situation. However, at that moment, their words felt like a ray of warm sunshine breaking through the clouds. It reminded me that I’m not alone in this.

The next day I witnessed an act of selflessness, followed shortly by more uplifting remarks. Someone agreed to pick up a few hours at work to give their co-worker a much needed break. Another person volunteered to take on an extra responsibility if that would make things ea.