I seriously love . I feel I need to make that clear from the get-go. Compared to, say, Netflix, I’m of the belief that I get much more value from , in terms of the size of the library relative to the content that I enjoy, compared to Netflix where I feel like I’m paying for something I barely use — except for the few needles I find in the impossibly large content haystack.

Having said that, though, it gives me no joy to see Apple TV+ back in a familiar place, where it’s once again drawing ridicule on account of another splashy new movie release that has a star-studded cast, the elements of which once again just don’t come together. That’s the consensus, at any rate, ahead of Apple’s release this weekend of its latest feature film, , starring Matt Damon and Casey Affleck. As with one movie after another for quite a while now from the streamer, on paper looks like it has everything to be a winner.

A great director ( Doug Limon), plus a bankable cast in the form of Damon and Affleck — as well as a fun plot that calls for the robbery of a corrupt politician. And, yet, somehow it’s another example of an Apple TV+ movie coming up short. In other words, a repeat of other recent Apple feature films like and .

Based on 77 reviews so far, already has an abysmal 43% critics’ score on Rotten Tomatoes ahead of its Apple TV+ release date. Those early takes have panned the movie as everything from “flat” to “disjointed” and largely “uninspired,” while a was p.