Bannockburn House, where ­Bonnie Prince Charlie once sought refuge, was saved for the nation in 2016 by the biggest community ­buyout at the time in the UK but its future is in jeopardy, despite the ­valiant efforts of volunteers. They have now launched a crowdfunder - which can be found HERE - with a target of £100,000 to preserve the Grade A-listed “marvel” which was recently confirmed to have been the site of an ­assassination ­attempt on the Prince that would have changed the course of history. READ MORE: Glasgow Cathedral shut for filming new Hollywood movie The bedchamber where he stayed bears the scars of the tumultuous events in 1746.

An assassin, missing the mark, left a single musket ball hole in the wall as the Prince lay in his bed. Covered up and lost to time, this remarkable bit of history lay ­hidden for a century until it was ­recently found through detective work by volunteers. The Prince had arrived at the house in poor shape but was nursed back to health by Clementina Walkinshaw, niece of the house’s owner, and ­romance blossomed between the two, with Walkinshaw later bearing him a daughter.

Described as an architectural gem, the house was built in the mid 1600s and the ceilings are considered to be some of the finest plasterwork ­outside Holyrood Palace. “Its grand architecture and ­historical significance make it a vital piece of Scotland’s heritage but its ­importance does not end there,” said a spokesperson. The site has evidence.