From promises of grandeur to despicable nowhere near realities, a mix of confusing situations abound. Things that may induce mental problems in young adults today are so many, it is near impossible even for the most resolute to remain unscathed. Even those who remain to do so, overdo protection to a level that it becomes a pathology in itself New Delhi: Issues relating to mental health have slowly gained the prominence in our public discourse that they rightfully deserve.

Across all ages, problems that result from mental illnesses are now being recognised. They exist across all demographics, teens, older adults and young adults, no one seems safe. While many would assume, going by countless emo, punk and pop songs through the ages, that it is teens in their peak phases of rebellion which might be the most affected.

On the other hand, as poetry and literature have articulated since forever, it is those at the fag end of their lives whose burnt youth now flickers with melancholy and deep introspection. Recent scientific research though points to another demographic altogether. It is reportedly the young adults, transcending teens but unable to reach complete adulthood, that are most plagued by matters of the mind.

Currently this generation, around the world, is battling with wide ranging issues of even wider ranging influence, which makes them most susceptible to mental illnesses. Recent research points the way According to a Harvard Graduate School of Education survey on menta.