NEW YORK , Aug. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In the Matter of the Arbitration between My Goals Solutions, Inc. (Goals Plastic Surgery) (Claimant) and Goldie Martin (Respondent), the American Arbitration Association Commercial Arbitration Tribunal has awarded in favor of Goals Plastic Surgery in the amount of $2.

33 million dollars , plus legal fees, costs and interest, which was filed by the New York County Clerk, August 20, 2024 . Originating in March of 2023 when Respondent and Claimant entered into an influencer agreement to provide certain services related to advertising and promotions, including having surgical sessions filmed to be part of a television show for Zeus Networks and later called "Transforming Rollie". All parties agreed that it would only show Claimant and its staff in a positive light, would not disparage, and would not take action to harm the reputation of Claimant or its staff.

Subsequent to a second procedure in July, 2023, Respondent was reported as abusive and made accusations as to the Claimant's personnel, which was in direct violation of lengthy, very detailed, non-disparagement terms contained within the agreement. Respondent left and refused to return for post-operative treatments, refused to appear or do any of the social media posts as promised, refusing to communicate with Claimant in any way. Beginning in November 2023 several attempts were made on various social media platforms to defame and disparage Claimant, which culminated in March 2024 as t.