Inspired by Bollywood hit crime drama Drishyam (2015), Chhattisgarh’s Kabirdham district witnessed the gruesome murder of a 28-year-old woman by her former husband and her paramour. The woman’s estranged husband, Lukesh Sahu (29) and her paramour, Raja Ram Sahu (26) reportedly watched Drishyam, an Ajay Devgan-Tabu-starrer movie that was inspired by a 2013 Malayalam flick by the same name, before committing the crime. The accused duo learned from the movie how to conceal a body and evade arrest.

Before committing the offence, the two accused watched ' #Drishyam ' to learn ways to hide the body and evade arrest: Police — The Telegraph (@ttindia) August 12, 2024 Ramkhilawan Sahu, a resident of Kalyanpur village, filed a missing report of her daughter at the Lohara police station on July 22. The woman’s husband, Lukesh, had abandoned her three years ago owing to suspicion of infidelity.

The court had ordered the ex-husband to pay monthly maintenance for their three children, which the murder-accused claimed was a financial burden. Meanwhile, the woman was in a relationship with Raja Ram, the co-accused in the murder. Per Raja Ram, he was also frustrated with the woman owing to her constant demand for money.

He told the cops that he had already given the deceased Rs 1.5 lakh in cash along with electronic gadgets from his shop. Lukesh and Raja Ram, who were well acquainted, conspired to kill the woman.

They told the cops that the plan was hatched for.