This milestone places the film among an elite group of only 12 movies to ever reach this coveted benchmark in overseas markets. While a total of 55 films have crossed the $1 billion threshold globally, this list primarily consists of movies with significant domestic and international earnings combined. However, only a select few, including Inside Out 2, have achieved such figures solely from international audiences.

Most Read on Euro Weekly News Notably, the 2019 remake of The Lion King, which grossed $1.1 billion (€984 million) internationally, is often mistaken as an animation. Yet, Disney classifies it as live-action due to its photorealistic CGI, leaving Inside Out 2 to claim the title as the first fully animated feature in this exclusive category.

The film’s universal appeal is evident, with substantial contributions from key markets such as Mexico ($102.2 million / €91.4 million), Brazil ($80 million / €71.

6 million), the U.K. ($72.

7 million / €65 million), France ($62.6 million / €56 million), and Korea ($60.8 million / €54.

4 million). This broad international resonance has propelled Inside Out 2 to become the highest-grossing film of the year, amassing a global total of $1.649 billion (€1.

477 billion). Weeks earlier, Inside Out 2 surpassed Frozen II to become the highest-grossing animated film in history, further cementing Disney’s dominance in the global animation market. This success contributes to a stellar year for Disney, which has seen two of i.