Angus Robertson has been branded a “liability” by one of the party’s longest-serving MSPs. In a letter to John Swinney, Christine Grahame said her constituents were “shocked” at the External Affairs minister’s meeting with an Israeli diplomat. This, she said, was seen as an “endorsement” of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

READ MORE: John Mason has SNP whip withdrawn after Gaza comment Swinney faces demands to sack Robertson as SNP fury grows SNP MSPs criticise Angus Robertson over meeting with Israeli diplomat Her letter, which was shared with the Sunday Mail and the Mail on Sunday, came amid reports that the First Minister had instructed his cabinet colleague to meet with Daniela Grudsky Ekstein. One senior SNP parliamentarian said this meant Mr Swinney could not sack the Cabinet Secretaty without also having to resign. Details of the summit with Benjamin Netanyahu’s Deputy Ambassador to the UK emerged last weekend when the diplomat publicly thanked Mr Robertson on social media for “welcoming us to wonderful Scotland .

” She added: “Discussed the unique commonalities between Israel and Scotland and also emphasized the urgent need to bring back our 115 hostages. “Looking forward to cooperating in the fields of technology, culture and renewable energy.” The social media post sparked anger from a number of normally very loyal MSPs, with many making their feelings known to John Swinney.

The party has also been hit by a wave of resignations, with sources re.