The recently released docu-series Angry Young Men has delved deep into the lives and careers of the iconic writing duo Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar, popularly known as Salim-Javed. One of the most poignant moments in the series revolves around the duo's eventual separation. Salman Khan, the eldest son of Salim Khan, offered a heartbreaking glimpse into the aftermath of the split.

Angry Young Men: Salman Khan recalls the day his father Salim Khan told him about his split with Javed Akhtar: “He was disturbed” Recalling the day his father broke the news, Salman shared, “I remember when the partnership broke off, so my dad came home, he was disturbed. So, I was sitting at the dining table, and he said, ‘Javed and my partnership..

. He wants to break up. So I said, ‘Why? Didn't you say anything?’ He said, ‘No’.

I said, there's got to be a reason. He said, ‘If he wants to go, he wants to go.’ So that's all he said.

That's all he said.” Salim Khan's subdued response to the situation painted a picture of a man deeply wounded but determined to maintain a sense of dignity. Honey Irani, Javed Akhtar's first wife, also shed light on the day Javed broke the news to her.

“The only thing I know is that Javed came home one day, and he said that I have some bad news for you. So, I said, what happened? Has he banged the car again? He says, no, I have split with Salim sahab. So, I asked him, I said, why? He says, don't ever ask me,” she revealed.

Farhan Akhtar, son of Ja.