's lawyer claims abandoned s name after "painful events" involving her father, who continues to become more and more estranged to his family with the Tomb Raider star. has been cut off , and along with , whilst it's unclear what and 's policy to their father is considering their ages of just 16 and it was 's decision at 18 that cut the 60-year-old deep. He had previously said her birth was the happiest moment of his life, but it shows how drastically things have changed between them as he continues to lose touch with his family as he enters older life.

made the decision to change her name on her 18th birthday, immediately filing the document back in May, which was published in the media although her lawyer stresses this was legal procedure and an attempt to pull a stunt. "[Media] should be more careful in their reporting," told PageSix.com.

"Especially when covering a young adult who has made an independent and significant decision following painful events and is merely following legal process. " did not take out an 'ad' announcing any name change and any press reporting that is inaccurate. "As 's attorney, I am required to publish a legal notice because the law in California requires that of anyone who wants to change their name.

That legal notice was published in the Los Angeles Times, as is required." What are the painful events? The painful events likely refer to his high-profile divorce from after she accused of being verbally and physically abusive towards their childre.