Developer Fen Researcher’s CEO, best known for his work on the original , Andrew Gower, has confirmed that while the company’s next game, , will have PvP, it won’t be available at launch. When it does arrive, it’ll be optional and unique. In a post on , Gower explained how will be labeled as early access until PvP is added later down the line but didn’t give a timeline for how long that would take.

He says this is because he wants the game to launch when the team originally planned to get it out to fans, Q3 2024, and doesn’t want them to have to wait any longer. He added that he has what he believes to be an interesting vision for what the game’s optional PvP could be. To PvP or not to PvP While Andrew Gower says PvP probably won’t be available in at launch, it’s still an incredibly important feature that the team is striving to perfect and implement as soon as possible.

I think it makes a lot of sense to introduce it after launch because the game boasts a “huge number of professions to try,” which would be overwhelming to someone like me if there was also an entire PvP side of the game to contend with. The majority of your time in will be spent engaging with each job and filling a role in the game’s world. For example, you might enjoy adventuring and gathering treasure or resources from various biomes, while someone else could really enjoy mining, smithing, and ultimately selling weapons and armor.

How you spend your time is up to you. Fitting PvP int.