This courageous teenager has just proven that winning isn’t everything and that knowing that she is alive with a supportive family around her is all that she needs right now. As she bravely revealed in her heartfelt interview, “Three years ago, I didn’t want to be alive, so today I’m just happy that I’m alive, I’m breathing, and I’ve got my family to support me.” She went on to express, “As you say, it wasn’t meant to be.

I’m not trying to be macho or anything, and I’m not upset with my performance.” Most Read on Euro Weekly News Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix grateful for mental health and being alive At just 19 years old, Andrea has been on arguably one of the most challenging journeys of her life and yet, in the eyes of defeat, she shows such humility and gratitude for what most of us so easily take for granted. Her journey began when she was scouted to dive at the tender age of eight, having displayed skills both as a swimmer and a gymnast.

As a child, she loved diving and experienced a rush of adrenaline from competing and learning new dives. Her desire was always to improve and she was motivated to give it her all. That grit, determination, and, of course, skill took her all the way to the Tokyo Olympics 2020, which actually took place in 2021 due to COVID-19.

At that time, she was still only 16, and who can imagine the excitement and nervousness she must have felt representing her country? Tokyo 2020 had a detrimental effect on Andrea Spendolini-Si.