Bollywood diva Ananya Panday, who has currently raised eyebrows for her reportedly growing proximity to star Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya, has treated herself to a brand new powerful gift. Recently, the actress was seen with a swanky new luxury SUV in the city. Ananya was clicked by the paparazzi next to her white Range Rover that was decorated with a garland at the front.

The actress, who was recently seen in a cameo appearance in the recently released movie , sported a casual look, and was dressed in a grey tank top which she paired with black shorts and slippers. She opted for a no-makeup look and tied her hair in a bun. Her accessories included cute earrings and a wristband.

Ananya Panday just rolled up in her brand new Range Rover 3000! 🚗✨ This car is an absolute beauty, just like her! — CineHind (@CineHind) As the actress stepped out of her vehicle, a paparazzi present at the spot congratulated her on the new car. Ananya smiled and said, "Thank you." Meanwhile, the actress will be next seen in the upcoming movie 'Control'.