Open Access News Health & Social Care Analysis of Lord Darzi Review: Capital starvation, technological underdevelopment, and the NHS crisis September 18, 2024 image: ©paddythegolfer | iStock The recent Lord Darzi review assesses the ongoing crisis in the UK’s healthcare system, TechUK responds to the Darzi Review The review looks at several critical areas of concern within the NHS, from finance mismanagement to underdeveloped technology, and how these factors contribute to the challenges the NHS faces today. Here is a look at how capital storage and technological gaps have shaped the healthcare landscape. Social care challenges impacting the NHS One factor contributing to the current crisis is the strained social care system.

While social care itself falls outside the range of Darzi’s investigation, the knock-on effects are clear. Austerity measures and inadequate local authority funding have resulted in more patients being stuck in hospitals for longer than necessary, a problem known as “bed blocking.” 13% of NHS beds are occupied by patients who are medically fit for discharge but can’t leave due to lack of social care support.

This strain on hospital capacity leads to inefficiencies and delays in patient care. Capital investment and financial flows The financial structure of the NHS has been a major driver of today’s crisis. Darzi’s review highlights how years of insufficient capital investment have left the health system struggling to keep up with demand.
