{ "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "NewsArticle", "dateCreated": "2024-08-18T11:08:12+02:00", "datePublished": "2024-08-18T11:08:12+02:00", "dateModified": "2024-08-18T11:11:05+02:00", "url": "https://www.newtimes.

co.rw/article/19315/entertainment/music/an-unforgettable-night-sheebah-karungi-local-artistes-rock-kigali-at-keza-camp-out", "headline": "An unforgettable night: Sheebah Karungi, local artistes rock Kigali at Keza Camp-Out", "description": "Kigali was alive with energy and excitement on the night of August 17 as Ugandan superstar Sheebah Karungi delivered a powerful performance at the Keza..

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co.rw/article/19315/entertainment/music/an-unforgettable-night-sheebah-karungi-local-artistes-rock-kigali-at-keza-camp-out" }, "thumbnailUrl": "https://www.newtimes.

co.rw/thenewtimes/uploads/images/2024/08/18/56792.jpeg", "image": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "https://www.


jpeg" }, "articleBody": "Kigali was alive with energy and excitement on the night of August 17 as Ugandan superstar Sheebah Karungi delivered a powerful performance at the Keza Camp-Out Experience. The concert, held at Camp Kigali, drew a massive crowd, with fans from all corners of the city gathering to enjoy a night filled with music, dance, and unforgettable moments. ALSO READ: Fierce on stage, humble at heart: Unmasking Sheebah .