Glass is smooth, shiny, and beautiful, the perfect surface to transfer your touch and intention to your iPhone 16 Pro Max's brilliant mind. However, it's also not indestructible and sometimes does glassy things like shatter into countless pieces when dropped. That's the finding of a recent AllState drop test with 's latest series of iPhones.

The US-based insurance company has been dropping iPhones for 13 years and reports that the iPhone 16 Pro Max did not survive its 'Breakability' test this year. No iPhone has survived the Allstate Protection Plan's drop test in more than a dozen years. When the company put the iPhone 16 Pro Max in a special rig, a.

k.a 'Dropbot,' and dropped it from a height of 6 feet onto a concrete sidewalk surface face down, the screen shattered, the display flickered, and then went dark (See the test for yourself in the video below). Since haptic responses could still be felt when touching the screen, there is a chance that only the display would have to be replaced.

When they performed the same test with the back facing down, the glass around the camera array cracked, but the phone remained otherwise completely functional. This is a better result than the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which last year became inoperable after a drop on its back. Obviously, AllState, which sells additional mobile device protection, has some skin in the game here.

Potentially proving that the iPhone is not concrete proof might make people more open to considering a protection plan fr.