In what seems to be rather , an influencer has come under fire for using literal poo . Yep, that’s where we’re at in life, folks! Despite every bit of health advice we’ve ever , Brazillian model swears by her beauty tip that she’s been touting on Instagram. According to her, smearing her own poo on her face helped cure dry skin.

Personally? I’d rather have a flaky face, but each to their own, I guess. In the video, the influencer opens a small container and starts to spread the feces around on her face, resembling a clay or mud mask. She also chucks on a clothes peg on her nose to help with the stench.

She then uses face wash to wash away the poo before showing off her glowing skin. You can , if you dare. “It worked for me and my skin has stopped flaking!” she told her followers.

Two healthcare professionals told the that following in Peixoto’s footsteps is a bad, bad idea. “Of all the skincare ‘trends’, this is one of the strangest I have ever come across,” Dr. said.

The consultant dermatologist from London’s Cadogan Clinic noted that using poo on your face can cause a whole host of issues, including food poisoning, viral and bacterial infections, or even trigger “redness and discomfort”. Plastic surgeon from the same clinic echoed her statement, saying: “Feces contain a plethora of bacteria, viruses, and parasites, including E. coli, Salmonella and helminths, which can cause serious infections and diseases.

” He added that these pathogens ca.