C AMBRIDGE — The Photographic Resource Center’s “Exposure 2024: The 28th Annual Juried Members Exhibition” features the work of 13 photographers — well, 14: Lisa Tang Liu and J. David Tabor work as a team. Each selection consists of three photographs.

Juror Samantha Johnston, of the Colorado Photographic Arts Center , selected them from 170 entries submitted by PRC members. In her juror’s statement, Johnston speaks of seeing “common threads emerge,” including the aftermath of the pandemic and, not unrelated to that, “themes of home and place.” Sometimes with a juried show the juror’s sensibility comes through.

That would seem the case here. Much of this iteration of “Exposure” has a sense of the lyrical and even self-consciously poetical. An effective instance of that sense can be found in Abbey Hepner ’s “Departure.

” A woman at the far end of an empty room stands with her back to a sunny window, the curtains that cover it billowing. It’s a setting as evocative as the title. What makes the image striking is how Hepner plays with depth and picture planes.

In effect, the image is a diptych, and the two halves play off of and enlarge each other. Advertisement With Jeffrey Heyne ’s “Contour Map With Cattle Fence & Silver Spur,” it’s a triptych: pinkish views of the moon flank a snowy Colorado landscape. The image is handsome and disorienting — a different sort of departure from the one Hepner offers.

All three of Heyne’s photographs i.