The National Dance Company has had an eventful few weeks with several events organised within its studios in Valletta. summer intensive for nine- to 17-year-olds was held last week to groups of passionate and energetic young students. The summer intensive was led by company dancers Pearl Calleja and Amber Van Veen.

The participants learnt company repertoire and developed their skills in creative movement, attending workshops for two consecutive days. Earlier in the summer, on July 25, company dancers Simon Riccardi-Zani, Amber Van Veen and Lotte La Haye were invited to lead a workshop for attendees of Dance Festival Malta. The company’s own Simon Riccardi-Zani’s work, was performed at this year’s edition of the festival.

On August 3, the company welcomed its second artist in residence for 2024, Eve Cocks who, along with collaborators Julienne Schembri and Ed Muscat Azzopardi, gave the company some insight into their period of research at the studios. The company extended heartfelt thanks to this trio of artists for so generously sharing some of the beautiful work that emerged from their week of discovery. The team at look forward to sharing the company’s upcoming season line-up.

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