While the city’s post-pandemic live arts scene can leave plenty to be desired, today, when asked what they’re up to later, theatre lovers can boldly and somewhat scandalously reply: ‘My Koek is Moeg’. For those unfamiliar with the celebrated Namibian play, here are the facts. ‘My Koek is Moeg’, written and initially directed by Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja, was first performed in Windhoek in 2012 and again in 2014.

It has since been staged in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The issue-driven but humorous play tells the story of an attractive young woman named Poppie Plaatjies whose shiny façade masks the hidden trauma of toxic relationships and various forms of abuse. Starring Abby Molz and directed by Obett Motaung, ‘My Koek is Moeg’ is on at the Theatre School (63 Robert Mugabe Avenue) in Windhoek today and tomorrow.

Tickets cost one red Hendrik at the door and the show starts at 20h00. Also eager to collect your coins this evening is the Ombetja Yehinga Organisation’s ‘Discovering Michel’ at the National Theatre of Namibia. While ‘My Koek is Moeg’ will give you minimalism, monologues, intensity, laughter and tears, OYO taking on the life and music of French singer and songwriter Michel Berger is strictly spectacle.

Expect 15 dancers, three singers, five musicians and a choir of 50 teenagers from Windhoek and Okahandja. Performers include Ashwyn Mberi, Clémentine Ruel and Lucie Machart, supported by the Hot Pocket Band and Jesús Lasso Ray. OYO’s .