Americans United for Life (AUL) has r anked Arkansas as the most pro-life state in the US for three straight years. At first blush that seems like a spectacular achievement. But it will come as a surprise to Americans who have not associated this Bible Belt state with nation-leading health statistics.

So what gives? To answer that, let’s start by considering what metrics AUL uses to calculate its ranking. According to its website : Our “Life List” ranking is based on criteria that score the states’ protection of Life from conception to natural death. This is sorted into the categories of abortion, legal recognition of unborn children, bioethics (such as destructive embryo research), assisted suicide and patient care, and healthcare rights of conscience.

In addition, each state is awarded points for cultural and political landscape and momentum, which measures political outlook and the frequency the state legislature effectuates Pro-Life laws, respectively. In summary the organization, despite its Orwellian claim to be ‘pro-life,’ has zero care for the concrete reality of whether babies, kids, adults, and seniors actually live or die. They are only interested in cultural momentum and legislative intent.

This must be why they feel no shame in ranking a state with the 7th shortest life expectancy (73.8 years) as #1 pro-life. BTW, Hawaii which ranks #1 in life expectancy (80.

7 years), is last on AUL’s ‘pro-life’ ranking. But that is hardly their only inanity. I .