Susan Berry's American Airlines flight from Italy to Philadelphia was overbooked. She offered to be bumped and was given a $1,200 flight voucher, free food, and a hotel stay. When American Airlines gate agents announced they needed volunteers to step off an overbooked flight , Susan Berry didn't hesitate to raise her hand.

Berry, who had spent two months in Italy, didn't want her trip to end. By volunteering, she'd continue exploring Naples and receive a $1,200 flight voucher for future travels. "Before the manager could even finish his sentence, I'm like, 'Me! Me! Me! Can I do it please?'" Berry, who was scheduled to fly from Naples, Italy, to Philadelphia on August 4, told Business Insider.

After accepting the offer, the 36-year-old said she hopped in a car provided by the airline that drove her and seven other bumped passengers to a four-star hotel, where they spent the night for free. Berry arrived at the airport the following day, where she learned that her next scheduled flight was also full. She said she volunteered again, and then an airline worker mentioned that the flight was fully booked until mid-August.

After some quick math, Berry realized she could spend the next 10 days gaining flight vouchers, staying in free hotels, and dining on free Italian cuisine. It was an opportunity the freelance fashion photographer said she couldn't pass up. By the end, she hoped to have more than $10,000 in vouchers for a trip around the world.

Berry's $10,000 goal was cut short, b.