In a world where clicks can spark movements, today’s youth are harnessing the power of social media to not just entertain but to educate, share experiences, and advocate for a better future. As the world celebrates International Youth Day 2024 under the theme “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development,” it’s impossible to ignore the profound influence of today’s youth on the digital landscape. The current generation of young people are not only adept at navigating the complexities of the digital world but is also using it as a powerful tool to educate, share experiences, voice concerns, and advocate for a better, more sustainable future.

TikTok, once seen primarily as a platform for entertainment, has evolved into a space where young people around the world connect, learn, and inspire. It has become a digital stage where creativity meets advocacy, where the clicks of today are paving pathways for the progress of tomorrow. This year’s theme resonates deeply with the global youth, highlighting their role at the forefront of digital adoption and technology.

In Sri Lanka, the youth have been the driving force of resilience, even in the face of back-to-back crises. From voluntary work in community development and contributions to literature, to championing mental health and other critical causes, it is the youth who have consistently propelled the nation forward. Among these resilient young Sri Lankans are TikTok creators who are lever.