Veteran Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan has said that he won’t ever be able to repay for the kind of adulation that he has received from the audience. Mumbai: Veteran Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan, who was recently seen in the blockbuster movie ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, has said that he won’t ever be able to repay for the kind of adulation that he has received from the audience. On Wednesday, the actor took to his X and shared pictures from his fan meet outside his home Jalsa, in Juhu area of Mumbai.

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this love shall remain a huge debt that I can never repay .. pic. — Amitabh Bachchan (@SrBachchan) August 6, 2024 In the pictures, the senior actor can be seen wearing a hoodie which he paired with black pants and headgear. He wrote: “This love shall remain a huge debt that I can never repay.

” Big B's career spans close to six decades in Indian cinema and he has given successive blockbusters during the peak of his career after he took away the stardom from Rajesh Khanna. The actor, however, witnessed a slump in the 1990s when his production company ABCL went into debt. Big B wanted to bring in a new style of filmmaking in India, closely resembling modern filmmaking backed by corporations and studios.

However, it didn’t click back then. ABCL even organised the 1996 edition of the beauty pageant Miss World, which returned to India after 28 years. The event saw many protests across the country with one person reportedly dying by self immol.