While the divorce rumours of Abhishek Bachchan & Aishwarya Rai continue to grab eyeballs, megastar Amitabh Bachchan shared an emotional post about KBC contestants’ struggles. Big B had returned from the sets of Kaun Banega Crorepati’s new season and shared BTS pictures and revealed that he’s been hearing moving stories of the contestants, who are sitting on the hot seat. T 5089 - The work at KBC .

. renders long hours , but fills one with deep emotion and exciting entertainment in my talks with the contestants ..

pic.twitter.com/dP0rZINoEf Big B wrote on his blog, “Some fresh new interesting changes in the GAME and the impact it will have and the learnings .

. but above all the ’emotions’ that overcome us all when the outcome of the contestant before us narrates his or her story ..

the dire circumstances they exist in and then the volume of their years of distress .. and suddenly they find themselves here on the ‘garam kursi’ and they get taken up by the emotion of the moment .

.” “Its is most moving and one feels so helpless ..

to the condition of the lives of these men and women who come in front of the millions that witness their struggles and years and years of strife ...

BUT .. with that most endearing smile which just melts us .

. for the past few days the contestants and their lives that come before us have been most emotional and moving ..

and we sit in the wonder of their narratives .. and try to extend helping hands for their needs and to try and ove.