A notice was published in the Government Gazette today exempting designated Shenzhen ambulances from the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations for a specified period to allow direct ambulance transfers to designated public hospitals in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government plans to launch a one-year Pilot Scheme for Direct Cross-boundary Ambulance Transfer in the Greater Bay Area within the current year. Prior to its official launch, the Hong Kong SAR Government will conduct drills in collaboration with the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Shenzhen Municipal Government to trial direct cross-boundary ambulance transfers, without patients on board, from designated hospitals in Shenzhen and Macau to designated public hospitals in Hong Kong.

The Governments of Shenzhen and Hong Kong will strive to finalise the arrangements as soon as possible. The Hong Kong SAR Government is also in discussions with the Macao SAR Government regarding drill arrangements. The cross-boundary ambulance mechanism will only be activated when a prior agreement has been reached in advance between either of two “sending” hospitals – The University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital or the Conde S.

Januario Hospital in Macao – and “receiving” public hospitals in Hong Kong. The medical needs, safety and interest of patients are to be the prime concerns in such agreements. The Chief Executive announced in last year’s Policy Address that.