As announced in March of this year , Belize’s National Health Insurance (NHI) Program will start rolling out in San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, and Caye Caulker. The NHI program allows registered members to obtain medical services from select healthcare providers for a fraction of the regular price or for free in some instances. While the details are finalized, residents in San Pedro can start registering at the San Carlos Medical Center in the downtown area on Pescador Drive.

They must provide a valid social security number, proof of address, the number of family members living at the same residence, and a contact telephone number. The health program was supposed to begin in the Cayes on July 1st, but Hurricane Beryl caused delays in the official launch. As a result, the program should be available at selected healthcare centers in San Pedro and Caye Caulker later this month.

Currently, the only known medical facility set to offer NHI is the San Carlos Medical Center. A second health center in San Pedro will join the program when it officially starts. In Caye Caulker, a private clinic operated by Dr.

Dimas Sansorez, is also expected to be part of the NHI program. Dr. Giovanni Solorzano at the San Carlos Medical Center stated that this program will significantly benefit many islanders in San Pedro.

Dr. Solorzano mentioned that his clinic offers primary healthcare services covered by NHI. He explained that anyone registered at his health center will have access to general me.