It was another great night for music at Old Settlers Park. The final concert of Old Settlers Association’s Music in the Park summer series was Sunday evening, featuring Mt. Pleasant band ‘Amarillo’.

Sheryl Decker, chair of events in Old Settlers Park thanked the many volunteers, especially the Elks Club, who was serving. Decker said she thought this year’s concerts have gone very well. “We’re so pleased with this and what we get from the community to attend,” she said, “and that’s the way that we can maintain our parks, so we’re delighted to see big crowds like this.

” The first concert of the summer was moved to the Methodist church due to the high temperatures. “It’s too bad because LMNOP did such a great job for us. But it was so hot, that you can’t risk people’s health either,” she said.

“Of course, Richie Lee always brings a great crowd and the Pen City Cruisers always bring neat cars.” It was also sponsor recognition night. “I’m glad that we get a chance to recognize the sponsors that make it possible,” she said.

“Because they’re they ones that we have to thank for the quality of the music that we get.” The Old Settlers Association tends to the plants and flowers in the park. The Smallwood family, Decker said, adopted the flag memorials.

“They have been transporting a lot of flowers from their own gardens into the flag memorial – the ones that the deer don’t like; they last a little bit longer. We’ve had our experie.