Star Wars: The Acolyte star Amandla Stenberg took to Instagram to thank fans for their support while reflecting on what they referred to as a "rampage of vitriol" around the show, which was canceled after one season on Disney+ . "I'm going to be transparent and say that it's not a huge shock for me. Of course I was in the bubble of my own reality, but for those who aren't aware there's been a rampage of vitriol that we've faced since the show was even announced.

When it was still just a concept and no one had even seen it," Stenberg said in a lengthy video posted to Instagram. "And that's when we started experiencing a rampage of I would say hyper-conservative bigotry and vitriol. Prejudice, hatred, and hateful language toward us.

And this really affected me when I first got the job, because it's not something you can fully understand what it feels like until it's happening to you." Stenberg went on to address what they called the "hyper-divisive" environment that helped spur the backlash against The Acolyte while also taking the time to thank the fans, who they said were "loved and appreciated." "I still feel a lot of levity and joy around the fact that I got to experience it, and that people loved it, and that people were so responsive.

I poured through a lot of different iterations of fan art and ship art and fan theories that were just so beautiful and filled my heart with joy," Stenberg said, "and I just want to let those people out there who supported us in that way, an.