Her former professional partner, Giovanni Pernice, has strongly refuted her allegations. The Sherlock star said she “couldn’t stay silent” on what she claims happened to her, adding: “I felt I had to speak up because I don’t want people to be frightened of speaking out if they’re being bullied or they feel they’re in a difficult situation, or if they feel that they’re not being heard.” She told ITV’s Lorraine: “I do feel I have the right to say it was a toxic environment I was in when I was rehearsing, because it was.

“It’s important that women feel they are in a safe space where they can say ‘This is inappropriate behaviour and it needs to be recognised’.” She added: “It was inappropriate, it was mean, it was nasty, it was bullying, and I put up with it for five weeks. “It started very early on, and when it started to happen I shut down because I recognised those red flags.

So I would shut down and it would be difficult to get in and that would just be a self-fulfilling prophecy.” She said the issues began early on, saying: “It was week one, the third day. “I’ve got texts to the producer on the third day saying ‘This is awful, he hates me, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

I’m trying my best, I promise you’.” Abbington, who is currently in rehearsals for a new play, added: “I’ve been in rehearsal rooms for 32 years. I’m in a rehearsal room at the moment, which is one of the most beautiful, safe spaces.

“I know .