Aman Preet Singh, brother of actress Rakul Preet Singh, who recently featured in Kamal Haasan's has been reportedly taken into custody by the Hyderabad police. Following a joint operation by the Narcotics Bureau and Rajendra Nagar SOT police, Aman Preet was arrested in connection with a drug case. The police officials spoke with the media on Monday, July 15, and confirmed that Aman's arrest was related to a recent drug case involving a few other people as well.

The Cyberabad police held a press meet and disclosed key details regarding the drug bust and also confirmed Rakul Preet Singh's brother's arrest. A total of 13 people have been arrested in the case, including Aman, Aniketh, Rathi, Rohith, Yashwanth, Sri Charan, Prasad, Hemanth, Nikhil, Madhu, Raghu, Krishnam Raju and Venkat from Hyderabad. The police stated, "As of now 13 consumers from Hyderabad have been identified who are wealthy are blantly promoting a sick ecosystem of drugs in Telangana.

They are creating a network of supply and demand for drugs in Hyderabad. Out of the 13 consumers, 5 are apprehended, and all the 5 persons got positive reports for cocaine when their urine samples were tested." As per the police report, 200 grams of cocaine worth INR 2 crore were seized.

According to a report by , a police official said, "I will only comment on whom Aman is connected to once we investigate the case more. We need to check when his association began with the accused, who consist of some Indians and Nigerians. Some .