Amaan Ali Bangash (second from left) during his school days I turned 20 in 1997 and for me the 90s was the best phase of my life as I was growing up in Delhi. I fondly remember learning to drive on a Maruti 800 . Having that car was a luxury in those days.

Most homes in Delhi had an Ambassador or Maruti 800. I used to love that car and that was the time when driving in Delhi was actually fun. There were no traffic jams back then and now we all have gotten so used to them that we have forgotten that driving used to be a pleasure on Delhi streets.

I fondly remember my school farewell night and that was the first time I went out clubbing at one of the most popular club named Ghungroo in Delhi. I didn’t go out clubbing in the 90s. Also, as a student I had a strict instruction from my parents to be home by 10pm.

But I loved going out for movies and that was the era of single screen theatres. My regular spots were Sangam, Priya and Uphar. Aashiqui was one of my favourite movies which was released in the 90s.

That was also the era of greeting cards and those were a must buy for even small occasions. I remember I had a crush on a girl in my school and I would send her greeting cards without putting my name on it. For us weekends were mostly about attending concerts, going to Appu Ghar , and watching movies.

I was also learning to drive after I finished school so would look forward to taking people around. In the 90s, the cultural scene in Delhi was very different. Apart from concer.