Study: Evaluating music education interventions for mental health in Chinese university student: A dual fuzzy analytic method . Image Credit: franz12 / "Mental health problems, especially anxiety and depression, have become a serious point of concern in university life.

Music education was identified as a potential intervention that could help alleviate these problems." A recent Scientific Reports journal study evaluates whether music education strategies can alleviate anxiety and depression in students. Addressing anxiety and depression in students Students are often subjected to significant stress due to academic pressure, competitive grading systems, and high expectations from family and society.

This pressure can lead to fear of failure, sleepless nights, and unhealthy behaviors, such as substance abuse. Non-academic pressures related to adjusting to university life can also adversely impact mental and emotional well-being. Anxiety and depression have long-term adverse effects on an individual’s social relationships and career prospects.

Previous research has shown that music may help mitigate symptoms of these mental health disorders. It is imperative to identify effective interventions to alleviate both anxiety and depression, as well as clarify the impact of music education as a non-pharmacological approach. About the study The current study utilized the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal.