Summary A mother and son were removed from their flight because the son was severely allergic to nuts. As per the complaint filed with the DoT, a crew member wanted to get them off the plane so they could sell nuts, as the crew receives a commission on snack sales. Various airlines have taken different actions to help facilitate safe travel for allergic passengers.

A mother and son who were meant to fly with Allegiant Air earlier this summer were reportedly removed from the flight because the son was severely allergic to nuts and, as per the complaint filed, a crew member onboard did not want to miss out on the commission they earn on selling nuts in flight. This resulted in the pair having to make a long drive to an alternative airport to get a flight to their destination the next day. They were wrongfully offloaded A complaint has been filed with the United States Department of Transportation (DoT) regarding an incident that occurred in July onboard an Allegiant Air aircraft.

According to Business Insider , the complaint was filed by a passenger after she and her son were "wrongfully removed" from the aircraft earlier this year in July. As per the complaint filed, the passenger's son is allergic to nuts, severe enough to experience anaphylactic shock, which can be fatal, and on informing the crew upon boarding the aircraft, one crew member was reportedly "enraged". The complaint states that the airline pays its crew members a commission for selling snacks in flight, which i.