‘s was recently caught in a drunk-driving incident. He was found fallen over in Hannam-dong, having driven an electric scooter after drinking. His breathalyzer results showed over 0.

2%, leading the police to launch an investigation. He may face criminal charges, according to the Korean press, given that his vehicle was judged to face the same laws as car operation. Fans, especially in South Korea, are highly disappointed at his actions.

On August 13, 2024, fans allegedly sent wreaths to in order to call for his withdrawal from the group. Although the source has not been divulged yet, many claim that fans of the group in South Korea were the ones to send the wreaths. The wreaths were allegedly sent by individuals rather than a union.

Here are some of the messages on the wreaths: “Min Yoongi withdraw! Congrats on your downfall. “Free BTS” “Withdraw Min Yoongi from the group. His downfall is imminent.

” “Withdraw, Min Yoongi. Aren’t you sorry to your members?” “Min Yoongi, withdraw from the group as an apology to the members.” Netizens have been praising these fans for not indulging the star in his mistakes.

Fans are the ones suffering, really...

The ARMYs with a brain are working so hard. I’m supporting you! If he had any conscience at all, he’d leave the group. There’s some photos I have on hand, but there are some chrysanthemum wreaths in the mix, so I don’t know if I can upload them.

Hwaiting. The normal fans sure are suffering..

. Cheering for yo.