The season 2 finale of House of the Dragon was a busy one...

even if most of the various threads were left unresolved. There were surprising reveals, new characters introduced , and a whole lot of moving parts setting up a series of climactic season 3 showdowns . You’d be forgiven for getting a bit lost in it all, especially with the expansive montage the episode ended on.

When we talked about the episode as a staff, quite a few questions came up — clarifying particular characters’ motives, charting out where the various pieces on the board are, and even wondering “Hey...

did I miss something?” So no matter what camp you fall into there, we’ve compiled a list of likely questions you might have after watching the season finale — or, if you’re reading this in the future, some reminders of where things left off before heading to season 3. It appears: in a dungeon. Earlier in the season, Aemond called for the small council to find Otto’s whereabouts , since he hadn’t been heard from since being dismissed as hand to the king (all while Alicent was told he couldn’t be reached).

In the closing montage of the season 2 finale, we see Otto behind bars, seemingly lit only by torchlight. It’s unclear exactly where he’s being imprisoned — it could be King’s Landing, but it’s unclear on whose orders, at this point — but suffice it to say he seems a little worse for the wear. As the episode establishes, Sharp Point was razed by Aemond after he found out tha.