We Scots love to party, and the200,000 fans who travelled to Germany this summer proved just how much fun theycould have in the host nation – so now it’s time to return the favour. Say Prost! to Oktoberfest, which willbe hosted at West Princess Street Gardens this October for four days – othernationalities are of course invited! Did you know with a Digital Subscription to Edinburgh News, you can get unlimited access to the website including our premium content, as well as benefiting from fewer ads, loyalty rewards and much more. Here a big tent will betransformed into an authentic Bavarian experience, with steins of importedGerman beer, beautiful Bratwurst and thumping tunes among the treats on offer.

The Oktoberfest atmosphere offerssomething different, but the emphasis is on socialising and having fun withfriends and colleagues mixing beer, music, food, drinking, dancing, dressingup. And whilst it’s strictly for adults most of the time there’s even afamily-afternoon, where kids can get in free and enjoy a taste of theatmosphere. With a capacity of 1,000 people tickets willbe in demand for the event, which is here for four days.

We got the lowdown oneverything you need to know to get ready to make the most of the 10thOktoberfest here in Edinburgh. Oktoberfest takes place October3-6 inclusive Times:Thursday and Friday – 4pm to 11pm; Saturday 11am to 4.30pm and 5.

30pm to 11pm;Sunday 12.30pm to 7.30pm.

Foodand drink: There willbe a specially-brewed and imported Bava.