On September 17 , EA held its annual Investor Day event . This is where the company shows off the future of what it’s working on, discusses how it plans to expand its franchises, and tries to convince a lot of people with money that they are profitable and worth further investment. You might have missed it as it’s not quite offering E3 levels of excitement.

But some stuff did get announced, both at the event and as part of a media blitz outside Investor Day. So here’s all the big news that you might care about. It might seem weird, but EA isn’t planning on making a Sims 5 anytime soon.

Kate Gorman, EA’s vice president and general manager of The Sims, told Variety that it’s entering a “new era” for the franchise , and doesn’t want to replace past games with new games, forcing players to completely restart. “We don’t want to reset your progress. And so it’s not about as much of what the numbers are in the games, but know that the future of the franchise looks more like keeping your progress, keeping things across titles, and really having an ongoing experience, and not a start-and-stop experience between products,” said Gorman.

EA will continue to update and improve The Sims 4 , while releasing other related games, including the previously announced Project Rene, which isn’t The Sims 5, but instead something more focused on multiplayer. The goal, it seems, is to stop replacing games with new games and support things for longer. “We are not going to.